"I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list" ~ Susan Sontag

Monday, July 21, 2014

Unofficial Hiking

So this last weekend I didn't do any official hiking, however I spent 3 days out at my alma mater summer camp. I ran around with kids all weekend, playing soccer, walking entirety of the 42 acre camp, planks on the field, and I even ran the entirety from campfire to Trickle Falls and back.  So even if I don't count it on my hiking tracker, I would have to say I was pretty active!

It was fun to be out there working again, even co-counseling with my best friend Gumby! :)

 I even got to relax a little by the pool! (and... got a sunburn on my back! youch!)
Me and Grumbles :)

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