"I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list" ~ Susan Sontag

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Joryville Park - Salem's Hidden Gem!

Many of my friends are now aware of my hiking hobby/obsession and are often asking which hikes are best or asking if they can join with me! I am loving it! My good friend Renegade (Matt) mentioned to me that he would love to hike with me one day. He was training for summer firefighting season and would  hike with a 50lb pack on his back and break in his boots.  Renegade is from south Salem and he told me about a hiking area near his house.

On fourth of July, I got up in the morning and headed out to Joryville Park.  To get there, take Liberty Rd. south past Kuebler Blvd. a few miles and take a right on Jory Hill Rd. You'll then take a left on Elmhurst Rd. which will lead you to a gravel parking lot.

I entered the gate to the park and immediately came to a fork in the road. To the left was a flatter trail and to the right went straight uphill. I ventured uphill. The paved path went up and lead to an adjacent earthy trail. I took the dirt trail and continued uphill. Finally, I came out of the woods and to a clearing. A giant grass field with a lone, majestic tree at the center and an incredible view of Mt. Jefferson.  There is a trail that wraps around this clearing. I started along it, then veered off back into the woods for a while on different trails and ended up back at the clearing. I then followed the perimeter of the clearing and dove back into the woods near where I had originally come out.  I aimlessly followed trails hoping to come out where the flatter trail had gone at the beginning of the hike. However, I ended up right where I started. I was curious if the paved road just went in a loop, so I climbed the hill again following the road until it ended at the top of the hill.  Giving up on how this park was structured, I headed back down and finished my hike.

  • Date of hike: July 4th, 2014
  • Distance: 2 miles
  • Elevation gain: 304 feet
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Miles thus far: 110/200 miles this year

The following week, Renegade and I went on an evening hike at Joryville Park. When we finished, he asked if I wanted to see another little spot. So we went over and hiked the Croisan Scenic Way Trail, which, out and back, is about a mile and a half. We made it back to the car just as it was getting dark! Its always fun to have a friend and hiking facilitates great conversation!

  • Date of hike: July 11th, 2014
  • Distance: 5 miles
  • Elevation gain: no idea!
  • Difficulty: Easy (except the heat...)
  • Miles thus far: 113/200 miles this year

 Clearing at the top of the hill at Joryville Park
We didn't snap a picture, but this is Renegade my hiking buddy for Joryville!

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