"I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list" ~ Susan Sontag

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The First 9 Miles

The first official hike of my 100 mile challenge, I went with my good friend and fitness guru, Katie, up to Silver Falls State Park. I had done some hiking there in the past, but I had never done the full "Trail of Ten Falls" loop.

  • Date of hike: February 22nd, 2014
  • Distance: 9 miles
  • Elevation gain: 1,300 feet
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Miles thus far: 9/100 miles this year

We parked at the South Falls Lodge and embarked down into the canyon. And as one knows, if you get down to the bottom of the canyon, eventually you will have to get back up. Which every time I have done this hike I have counted on, survival instincts have to kick in otherwise I will make a home down there!

This trail has incredible views of no less than ten waterfalls. The silver falls area is a natural rain forest, so its usually cooler and wetter (which is helpful in the summer!)

Silver falls has always felt like home because I worked out in this state park for the most incredible three summers of my life just across the street at YMCA Camp Silver Creek. So for me, this hike never gets old.

It was also fun to hike with a friend! Katie and I have been friends for many years and have stayed in touch even after we moved on from the Harriet House. I am so blessed to have her as a friend. She has always been encouraging and someone I have felt comfortable talking with about my health.

In the words of Katie, 
"Commit to Be Fit!"

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