"I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list" ~ Susan Sontag

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Camp Silver Creek Hiking

The week of Fourth of July, my boss was in the Bahama's and I was to go out to several clinics for marketing. My good friend Cara came from Albany and kept me company as I drove around all over Salem, out to Dallas, and even to Stayton.  We made Stayton our last stop, said a quick hello to Cara's dad at his office, and headed out to Silver Falls State Park, but this time to camp! (One good reason for hiking from camp is that it didn't cost me to park there :) ) 

We hiked all around camp as I gave her a little tour of the place I call home. We then went out to the chapel area and straight up to the fire road.  Once at the fire road, we took a left and headed up hill following the road to an overnight spot we used at summer camp with campers called Chapel Spot.  It was quite warm and it was getting later in the day, so instead of continuing up to Marth's Mill, we headed back down. On the way back down, I totally missed the trail that goes back into chapel. We followed the fire road all the way back down to the main road leading into camp. This was fine because it lead us to the perfect spot for some photos!

  • Date of hike: July 2nd, 2014
  • Distance: 3 miles
  • Elevation gain: no idea!
  • Difficulty: Easy (except getting up chapel hill!)
  • Miles thus far: 108/200 miles this year

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