"I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list" ~ Susan Sontag

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

"Going to the woods is going home" - John Muir

One of the challenges I have run into on my journey is hiking with someone versus hiking alone. It isn't often that I can find someone to go hiking with when I want to go. As much as I want to explore new hikes and new areas, I also am aware of safety and the risks of hiking alone in a place I don't know. Most often when I hike by myself, Silver Falls is the place I go because there is always a lot of people around and I know the loop quite well as to not get lost.

  • Date of hike: March 9th, 2014
  • Distance: 9 miles
  • Elevation gain: 1,300 feet
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Miles thus far: 18/100 miles this year

As I have mentioned in the past, Silver Falls feels like home. And who wouldn't want to hike this incredible piece of creation over and over? It never gets old. And! Bonus the fact that its 9 miles each time I do the full loop!

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