"I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list" ~ Susan Sontag

Monday, January 5, 2015

Peavy Arboretum {McDonald-Dunn Forest}

Happy New Year!  It has been such an incredible year of hiking and exploring the Upper Left USA.  I have been so humbled and inspired by the beautiful land that we live in, but also by the people in my life.  I have had several times when people have come to me letting me know that they are hiking now and that they have goals to get outside and explore the great Northwest actively!  I cannot express how much it means to know that I have inspired others by living my life a wholly as I can.

One of my best friends, Caitlin, has made her New Years Resolution to hike 100 miles this year.  I am so proud of her goal and am blessed to be able to be a part of her life change.  Our first hike for the year we did together. Caitlin had found Peavy Arboretum and asked if I had heard of it. In fact, I had because I just hiked near there at Vineyard Mountain last weekend.  It was such a blessing to spend time with a good friend, and her little hiking poodle :), and enjoy the depths of the forest communally.  We aren't sure if we did the official hike, but we followed the road up the mountain and looped around finding many trails.  

The arboretum was dedicated by the university in 1926, operated as a Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camp from 1933-1942, and reverted to College of Forestry management in 1964. While the CCC was active, they planted trees, expanded the nursery, constructed Cronemiller Lake, and built roads, trails, and firebreaks.

This hike takes you through the old growth forests, and forestry sections of the Arboretum. Pass by an old dynamite cap house, as well as Crone Miller Lake where the Oregon State logging club holds competitions. 

  • Date of hike: January 3rd, 2015
  • Distance: 4 Miles (roundtrip) (I think...)
  • Elevation gain: no clue
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Mile Mark: 221

 Happy hiking with Caitlin!
A little lake on our way through

 Caitlin and Maci's first hike of 2015! 4 miles down, 96 to go!
I have been loving John Muir lately and found this bench on our path. It hit me to the core, 

"Wildness is a necessity"

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