"I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list" ~ Susan Sontag

Monday, August 25, 2014

Winter Falls Birthday Week

It is birthday week! My birthday is on Wednesday (August 27th) and anyone who knows me just a little knows that my birthday is my FAVORITE day of the year! So naturally, I like to celebrate in a variety of ways and for a week at the least, if not a month! :)

To kick of my birthday week, my sweet mama drove down for the day. She also brought a delicious Peanut Butter Cheesecake she made, so thank goodness we went hiking! Guilt free birthday cake! :)

We headed out in the morning to hike at Silver Falls State Park. I tried to tailor the hike to my mom's level, since she has not hiked as much as I have. I challenged her with the 5 mile loop to Winter Falls. It was as beautiful as always, as I have done this hike many times.  My mom was definitely challenged by the hilly terrain, but she was a total rockstar and did an amazing job.

The hike was a little more challenging for me this time as well! I was on day two of soreness from a workout at the Courthouse Performance Center. As much as I complained, I know it was good for me, and my legs were definitely thanking me for it! Especially going downhill!

I was hoping to get a cute picture of the both of us in front of Winter Falls, however, because it is summer, Winter Falls is more of a little trickle off a cliff. That, and, I ran into one of our patients from work and got distracted in conversation! Oh well!

  • Date of hike: August 23rd, 2014
  • Distance: 5 mile loop
  • Elevation gain: 670 feet
  • Hiking Time: 2 1/2 hours
  • Difficulty: Moderate 
  • Miles thus far: 147/200 miles this year

 At the top of Winter Falls

Also a quick note: This shirt I am wearing I got at the Pendleton Round-up back in 2011. At that time I was the smallest I had ever been. They only had a size Large for this shirt but I wanted it anyway. It fit at the time, but very snugly and was not super flattering because it was tight. I put this shirt on this week and was pleasantly surprised to have it fit just right! I have passed my size in 2011! :)

 My mama and I! :)
 Isn't my mama the cutest? So proud of her for going hiking with me, she hates hiking! :)
Just being silly... :)

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